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Data & Voice Networks

Ensuring maximum efficiency for your data and voice network

Your LAN (Local Area Network) is crucial to the productivity and profitability of your business. Our team of experts is on-hand to ensure yours is always performing as well as it should be. Whether you’re installing a new network or upgrading or fixing your current one, you can trust that Blue Network is a safe pair of hands.

You have a business to run, and therefore wasting hours trying to maintain your network isn’t the best use of your time. Here at Blue Network, our friendly team have the experience and expertise to take on any size of project to help ensure that all-important business continuity.

Here are just a few networks we work with, and projects we can take on:

Cat5e networks

Standard Cat5e (Category 5 Enhanced) network cabling offers peak performance of 100 MHz and features a maximum length of 100 metres. We can help fix or improve your Cat5e network cabling.

Cat6 networks

Cat6e is the newer version of Cat5e. Its main benefit is that it reduces crosstalk with a thick plastic casing, therefore eliminating disturbance and interference for an overall cleaner sound. We can help you with Cat6e cabling installation and repairs.

Cat6a networks

Cat6a is the latest iteration of the Cat6e. The “a” stands for “augmented”, as this cabling offers advanced features. It operates at 500 MHz, twice as quick as the Cat6e. We’re happy to discuss the main differences between these networks and advise on which might work best for you.

Patch, data, server and wall cabinets

We can help keep your patch, data and server wires and cables organised, protected and tucked discreetly away with the installation of a wall cabinet. There is a range of sizes and depths available for different server types.

PDUs and power solutions

PDUs (Power Distribution Units) have a number of outlets in order to evenly distribute power to a series of devices or computers. If you run a data centre or a business where a number of machines need to operate simultaneously, talk to us about our various power solutions.

Intelligent monitoring systems

Keep track of power output and optimise system performance with an intelligent monitoring system. Installation of one of these systems is a simple way to protect your energy and equipment investment.

Secure cabinet solutions and access control

Protect important data from cyber-attacks and vandalism with our secure cabinet solutions and access control.

IP cameras

These digital cameras can transmit data over an Ethernet link and are usually used for surveillance. We can install and upgrade existing IP cameras.

Multi-pair voice cables

Multi-pair voice cables reduce crosstalk and interference. Talk to us about installation and upgrades.

Distribution frames

Create a termination point and connect equipment and cables using a distribution frame. We’re on hand to advise and answer any questions you may have around (MDFs) Main Distribution Frames.

Patch leads

Effectively connect one device to another using patch leads. There are a number of different types and sizes available, according to your needs.

Pre-terminated cables

We can make sure that the pre-terminated cable you choose fits your specific requirements, and ensure they are properly installed for maximum performance.


Contact us to find out more

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To speak to a member of the team please contact us for further details on 0845 434 7422 or email

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